AFOSISA, Inc.: A Look Back At The Beginning

AFOSISA, Inc.: A Look Back At The Beginning

The Preamble to the Association By-Laws states “The objectives of the ASSOCIATION OF FORMER OSI SPECIAL AGENTS, INC., (AFOSISA) are to maintain and further friendships emanating from service with or employment by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI); to assist one another through combined efforts and mutual association; to perpetuate the ideals and principles of AFOSI; to facilitate contact with members on a worldwide basis; and to unite former and present AFOSI Special Agents in the common interest of promoting the security and welfare of each other, AFOSISA, AFOSI, the United States Air Force and the United States.”

Those objectives are little changed from forty-four years ago when one man in Southern California started with a dream — a dream that resonated among a small group of retired OSI Special Agents, who articulated their desires for an Association essentially as the preamble states. Starting with twenty-eight members in 1966, active membership has grown to 1,800+/- at June 31, 2010.

The initial cadre of members who came from AFCID AND AFCIC would hardly recognize the Association as it exists today.  As the Air Force and OSI have evolved over the past years, so has the Association.  The following presents some   highlights, as well as some low points, of the past 44 years so we may have a better understanding of who we are and what we have been collectively seeking.